
After the Massacre of Nanking was over there was nothing left but a coal charred town that was erased by the Japanese burning inferno. People in the town were almost completely wiped out out. "How many thousands were mowed down by guns or bayoneted? we shall probably never know. For in many cases oil was thrown over their bodies and then they were burned" (Hu). There are only 400 living survivors today, many have died of old age but compared to the estimated 300,000 that were brutally murdered in 1937 those survivors are barley a fraction. Nanking’s rich capital city culture was not the only things destroyed and looted innocent civilians homes were burnt to the ground and there possessions stolen. “On December 15, 1937,using various kinds of transportation tools including baby carriages,Japanese soldiers plundered the possessions of Nanjing residents” (Nanjing 1937). Nanking’s environment was nothing more then an desolate wasteland. “Only bodies were in abundance. So many dead bodies clogged the streets it was hard to move around, even on foot. They floated in the river for a year afterwards, emitting a smell for miles around” (Go Train) the town and environment was completely dead. The economy was non existent anything worth value was stolen or burned. “The loot included jewelry, coins, domesticated animals, food, clothes, antiques, and even inexpensive items such as cigarettes, eggs, fountain pens, and buttons”(Vikland). There was no money and there was no economy. Nanking one day a huge capital next ash in the wind.