
Genocide is still occurring throughout the modern-world, there needs to be an end to it all. There are multiple necessary ways that need to be used to end genocide. Everyone should learn the awful things about what happens in genocide. “The car just had to drive over these dead bodies, and the scene on the river front, as I waited for the launch... was of a group of smoking chattering Japanese officers overseeing the massacring of a battalion of Chinese captured troops” (Scarred by history: The Rape of Nanjing). People need to know the horror of genocide, and what in reality happens. Countries need to get involved quicker, instead of waiting till it gets to the worst stop it from the beginning. There needs to be a new human rights movement where it is widely taught that all people are equal. “Gendercide watch seeks to confront acts of gender-selective mass killing around the world. We believe that such atrocities against ordinary men and women constitute one of humanity's worst blights, and one of its greatest challenges in the new millennium”(Jones). People need to start respecting each other to move forward away from barbaric murder of a certain group. The people of the world have to realize that everyone are equal.